
Fastelavn is a traditional Danish carnival for kids that takes place before lent each year. In a typical year, NWDA hosts in-person celebrations for Fastelavn in Seattle and Portland. The events are popular among families in the Pacific Northwest.

Families love participating in this traditional day to experience the fun and games. Crafts, a costume parade, and songs are all part of the festivities. A lucky Cat Queen or Cat King breaks a barrel piñata filled with candy and a stuffed animal cat. As old Danish tradition has it, beating the cat out of the barrel chases the winter away.

Break the Barrel at Fastelavn in Seattle

Fastelavn in 2025:

Fastelavn this year is on Sunday, March 2nd 2025. We will be gathering in person again this year to celebrate!
Join us at the Seattle Danish Center on Sunday 3/2/2025 for all the fun!

Sunday March 2, 2025
2:00 – 4:00 pm

Seattle Danish Center Harmony Hall
1833 N 105th St
Suite 205
Seattle, WA 98133

We have a virtual guide from a stay-at-home Fastelavn if you would like to learn more. Chase the winter away the Danish way! Follow the guidelines in the kit to:

  • Make ‘fastelavnsris’ and other Danish crafts
  • Sing songs
  • Make fastelavnsboller (festive sweet rolls)
  • And dress up in costume at home too, if you have one!

Sign up for the e-bulletin to receive updates on Fastelavn 2025! Become a member of NWDA to support NWDA activities like Fastelavn.

Send us photos of your at-home Fastelavn!
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